As much as I am really enjoying creating this blog, at times I am equally frustrated – there is so much to learn! As with anything new in our lives we have to learn how to do it, make it work, make it look right – you know what I am talking about I bet.

I thought I had finally mastered how to have a link from my posts take you directly to another website, it looks like it would work because the text shows both URLs in blue and underlined – I was so excited that I had done that! Tonight I clicked on one of them and then the other with dismay, as they both just say Not Found. NO website appears like magic!   I have struggled here for awhile and can’t seem to figure it out, so my apologies because I know how annoying that is when it happens to me on other sites.  I will get to the bottom it but it may take me awhile. What I would really love is some WordPress lessons! Maybe this fall….