With Christmas now behind us once again, we look forward to the New Year that will begin so very soon. Time…..how does it manage to slip by so very quickly, it feels as though 2012 should be with us for a couple of more months and yet there are only two days left.
Although not one to make New Years resolutions, this year I would like to commit to trying to live in the moment more ~ it seems that it should be the simplest of endeavours but it really does take dedication to master this intention. I thought that this photo from Pinterest is a good and helpful image to imprint in my mind…..
We hope that 2013 is a good year for you ~ filled with those kinds of moments that turn into great memories ~ moments filled with doing that which makes you the happiest!
CHEERS to everyone for a 2013 that is exactly how you want it to be!
Feliz Ano Nuevo, Rick and Linda. Just to make you feel better about being stuck up in cold, rainy Canada, we woke to heavy rains pouring down upon us this morning. And this pelting rainfall isn’t showing any signs of easing up. I think we could be in for dark skies and nasty weather for a few days, but we are going to make the best of it and just hunker in and enjoy what ever will be.