The custom home we are building for clients in the Nanoose area is starting to show it’s shape now that the trusses are going up. They have started with the trusses that create the bonus room over the garage. As I mentioned in a previous post on this house – bonus room’s are great! We encourage them whenever they are feasible – they are relatively inexpensive square footage and provide so many possibilities of use.

Looking from the top of the stairs

Looking back towards the stairs

Where Rick is standing will be a powder room and to the right(in this shot) where there are no trusses is a large dormer that will provide more floor space and lots of light.

In this bonus room there is a lot of room in the space between the walls and the slope of the roof so we will be discussing with our clients if they would like to utilize those areas or a portion of them to create more storage. On some walls it will not be practical to place a door or a multiple of doors as they may interfere with furniture placement but we will decide together what will work best for their needs.

Don’t those clean plywood floors look nice??